04 Agustus 2009

Save Mojoasem From Annual Flood

Since December 2007 flood, Karina Diocese of Surabaya with implementing partner, Sekertariat Bersama Kelompok Sosial, moved to assist people of Mojoasem whom incured by floods.

Mojoasem in Laren subdistrict, Lamongan regency, residing in west side of Bengawan Solo river. Village of Mojoasem precise the side curve of river which very rapid current. According to task force on disaster response of East Java Province, the west side is true sacrificed area compared with east side which is stronger.

But, so many times people life there. People are farming, getting income till the floods slam their life during two years successively, December 2007 and Februari 2009. Floods become bitter experience which damaged house, farmland and economics life.

Motivated by human compassion, Karina Diocese of Surabaya about 2 last years, with implementing partner open base camp in Mojoasem. Then at Februari 2009 floods, Karina Diocese of Surabaya getting support from some parishes, groups and also schools, contribute aid to people of Mojoasem, Siser and Pesanggrahan. Also to some around villages which worse condition, that is Misuwur, Kroyo, Jabung, Sapan, Gelap and Dateng.

At 23th March 2009, Karina Diocese of Surabaya distributed 1050 packets. The packets are food (rice, cooking oil, green peanut, noodles and sugar), school kits (book, pencil, pulpen and ruler) and also healthy supplies (detergent, soap, mosquito drug, tooth paste and shampoo).

Nowadays after floods elapsed and aid have been alloted, field farm can be planted. Along with experience many times slammed by floods, citizen union and local people awareness, grow a need to listen more carefully and ready to prepared before annual floods, together with local government to do some works. That are:

1. repairing Bengawan Solo dam in Mojoasem which slammed to pieces after floods 2009

2. improving people capacities to make provision against annual floods through disaster risk reduction strategy

3. powered economics through organic agriculture and goat ranch, as economic empowerment strategy.

For another information, please contact: Sumanto (local person) - 081230857525